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One of the incredible things about the time we live in is that the Church is not limited by buildings or geography. We are thrilled to be able to offer our LIVESTREAM at 10am on Sundays. 

We would love to have you join us in person.  We understand that is not always possible, or maybe you want to "check us out" first.

We hope that attending church live at home gives you the chance to gather together in worship, connect with others, and find resources that will encourage and enrich you.

To view our livestream go to our home page. All services are then saved to our sermon page which you can view on demand following our livestream. 



As you prepare for livestream worship, think about what a weekend experience looks like at home.

Clear out distractions.
Remove any barriers to worship and learning. Include the kids and turn up the volume! Worship is for everyone.

Practice hospitality.
Make sure you spend time together as a family or with those you live with before and after the service.

Set the tone.
Be the leader in your home. Help everyone stay focused on the service and be ready afterward to answer questions.

Have a response time as part of your experience.

Spend time praying for one another; your family and your friends.

As we gather at home we will still remember the sacrifice of Christ by preparing bread and juice for special Communion services.

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